EQA Hellas is an independent Accredited Certification & Control Body.
EQA Hellas is active in the field of inspections, conformity assessment and certification of Management Systems and products, providing high quality accredited services to companies & organizations of both Private, Public and widely Public Sector.
The purpose of EQA Hellas is to provide impartial, objective and reliable accredited certification and inspection services to its customers, ensuring on the one hand the full satisfaction of their requirements and expectations, and on the other hand the return of added value to their products and services, by reinforcing at the same time – their competitiveness, both in the domestic and the international market.
The achievement of the above is ensured through the continuous training of the human resources of EQA Hellas, which is its competitive advantage and the cornerstone in its creative course so far. The inspectors, executives, trainers and associates of EQA Hellas form a staff of scientists and professionals with extensive experience and knowledge in their field, by covering a wide range of business and industrial activities.
Its human resources cover a wide range of specialties, indicatively: Mechanical Engineers, Electrical Engineers, Economists, Civil Engineers, Agronomists, Chemists, Chemical Engineers, Computer Engineers, etc.
EQA Hellas, in addition to Management Systems & Products certification services, provides training services in a wide range of subjects and topics, related to the fields of Systems’ Management. EQA Hellas is a member of the Hellenic Association of Accredited Inspection and Certification Bodies of Hellas Cert.